Thema: Frauen mit besonders starken, dicken oder muskulösen XXL-Waden. Treffpunkt für Männer und Frauen, die eine Vorliebe hierfür besitzen und zum Thema beitragen wollen.... Women with especially strong, thick or muscular XXL calves. A meeting place for all people who have a preference for it and want to participate in the discussion.
Sonntag, 23. Februar 2025
Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2025
Sonntag, 5. Januar 2025
Welcome back to 2025!
Thank you a few people for condolending Denice!
And then it was too much for me in 2024:
because my wife has a very heavy and deadly desease, and she is fighting more than 4 years against the trickiest and most insidious Lung-Cancer at all. That's almost a record. She's so brave, but her strength and power is decreasing day by day. I'm very, very sad!
But I thought, that life must go on. So when I thought to close the blog, I thought about it again.
So, I tell you, I don't have much time for managing this blog, and please be patient fotr new content.
Johnny McCalves aka Martin Velten